

Daniela always knew that she was destined to work with natural spiritual law to help others. From a young age, she had strong psychic and intuitive abilities that both frightened and excited her; she recognized that her natural ability to communicate with higher beings was unusual. At 12, she began studying spirituality and astrology, pouring over material that enriched her soul and spirit in order to better connect to her powerful inner voice.

At 15, Daniela began her path of formal training in various energetic modalities including reiki, angel healing, chakra cleansing, crystal healing, akashic records readings, numerology, panic healing, access bars, and therapeutic massage, which she continues to this day. She uses these healing modalities as a framework to channel her clients’ needs for healing. Her intention is to create a safe space and channel for liberating the spirit in a pragmatic and digestible way.

She also holds a degree in Business Administration from Babson College and a Masters in Psychology from East London University.